4 Way Community Changes Your Fitness Journey

Group Training - Fitness Community Dallas

Your fitness pursuits can be a completely solo affair. Still, there is one aspect that is very much determining when it comes to the consistency with which you move your body and the longevity of your ventures: finding a sense of community.

Group Training - Fitness Community DallasBeyond all the fitness goals, the community allows us to find a sense of belonging. This is what supports us through some difficult times which can be either in or out of the gym, it also helps inject a sense of fun in us to get us through our day and always keep us reminded of something very essential that we are all in this together…..


This sense of community really goes a long way in strengthening several different things. Being a part of the gym with a community makes you feel the gym as your second home, which you will never want to skip or leave. Because people in that community really care for you and give you a feeling like they are just like your family members. This way not only you will want to go to the gym more often, but that community also fosters accountability. When the coaches and fellow gym members say that they missed you last week when you would regularly workout, Listening to them saying those words that they missed you will more likely make you go to the gym rather than skipping it.


Always share your purpose with others, because this kind of setting motivates and helps to build more confidence the more you participate. People tend to quit the gym when they feel like they are failing. But it is also very important to consider your goals and whether they are realistic with your timeframe or not. When you are a member of a strong gym community, your coaches and community members will help you remind your goals and encourage you to achieve them. A simple discussion about why you joined the gym in the first place can lay the bases for building the relationship in the community.


Training with like-minded people can have a very noticeable effect on your performance and moreover, it will also greatly affect your experience in the gym. It is always important to go to the which emphasizes on their community. A gym with a strong community will always make its members feel empowered and encouraged.


Always remember that in this kind of community setting, your Coaches are always just as serious about helping you to reach your goals as you are. And people who have become friends with you will help you to keep you motivated when you fall off track. Everyone needs a community where discipline wanes.

While it is entirely possible to travel your fitness journey alone, a fitness community can also have a huge impact on the quality of your results and the longevity of your fitness journey.  If you’d like to learn more about the Extreme Studio Performace community contact us or visit our gym.

By: Michael Scaccia

Extreme Studio Performance