Category: Nutrition


Nutritional Supplements – Need, Want, and Hype (1 of 2)

A Brief History (Better living through science since always) Nutritional supplements have been used throughout history by every civilization for the same reasons we now use them; prevent disease, cure disease, increase performance, improve body image, etc. This is why we have ancient traditional institutions like Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic (Indian) Medicine that are now…

Cortisol – The Death Hormone

Cortisol, (referred to as the stress hormone) is a steroid hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands. Cortisol counter acts fat storing effects of insulin by accelerating the process of gluconeogenesis, a way to make glucose (energy) from non-carbohydrate sources including making glucose from amino acids. Amino Acids that can be converted into glucose…

Extreme Studio Performance