Deadlines and Contests: Your Keys to Fitness Victory

Have you ever told yourself that you are going to lose weight and get fit in time for spring, only to get frustrated when warm weather rolls around? Want to hide behind heavy winter clothes, but when the mercury starts climbing, the clothes get tighter and we can’t hide anymore. “Why didn’t I start  working out weeks ago?” we ask ourselves. “If only I had started sooner!”

Regret-proof your spring: set a deadline

The best way to protect yourself from a regret filled spring is to set a deadline and start NOW. Deadlines are powerful motivators. Without a deadline, you really have no set-point toward which to work. You have nothing pushing you.  We need to be pushed.

Deadlines create a sense of urgency. They help you position yourself to succeed, because that final date is always starting back at you. It forces you to prioritize and strategize. Otherwise, you will let things slide…you will keep putting off the workout, and insisting that tomorrow you will start eating better. Without a deadline, tomorrow never comes.

It’s time to shake things up

If you keep doing what you have always done, you will get the results you have always gotten. It’s time to do something different. Ask yourself this question: If I keep doing what I am doing right now, will I achieve what I want to achieve? If you answered no, then it’s time for a change.

Get your calendar out and decide when you want to see your first wave of results. Be realistic: make sure you give yourself time to really dig in and see changes. But challenge yourself too—make it a little tough so you can take full advantage of the power of urgency.

Prevent deadline-creep: get competitive

But a deadline may not be enough. Why? Because you may be tempted to move it. Deadlines are not supposed to be moving targets! The best way to prevent deadline-creep is to get competitive.

Entering into a competition or contest is a sure way to give you the edge you need to keep yourself on tack and finish strong. There is something very motivating about competing with others. Just knowing that your efforts and results are going to be measured alongside others really will give you8 an extra boost in motivation.

This is a time when a little peer pressure is useful! And you will find that those with whom you are in competition will also be your biggest cheerleaders: they know exactly what you are going through and will be there to encourage you to keep moving.

Deadlines and contests form the perfect combination to guarantee your fitness success: put them to work for you! Spring is close enough to give you a push, but still far enough away to ensure that you have enough time to get some serious work done. Plan now to greet spring and warmer weather with no regrets!


Extreme Studio Performance