Field Hockey Training

Field Hockey Training (FHPT)

STT’s Field Hockey Performance Training (FHPT) program includes instruction to improve fitness, movement efficiency, speed development, agility, power development, and strength. The athletes participating in the FHPT program are closely supervised and attention is always paid to proper technique and safety.

Besides the benefits of getting stronger, faster, and in better shape as a group, this program can also increase team bonding. Numerous teams in the Baltimore/DMV area have taken advantage of STT’s Team Training Program and have had highly successful seasons. There is no better way to prepare a team for the upcoming season than to have them train together. Email Coach Taylor to schedule a training session at your next practice by emailing


STT’s Sport-Appropriate Weak Link Program focuses on the following for field hockey:

  • Midsection
  • Ankle
  • Knee
  • Hip and Groin
  • Forearm, hand, and fingers
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FHPT Scholastic Training Schedule*

In-Season (August to November): Coaches will tell you that this time of year is the most important in the training cycle. With tough practices and intense game day preparations, working out three or four times per week is an unlikely possibility. A two day per week in-season program is much more feasible and practical to implement. In order to make training as convenient as possible, STT offers both team training sessions and individual athlete training options too.

Indoor Club (December to March): With the quick pace of the indoor season, this is an excellent time of year to work on strength and agility while emphasizing weak links and injury management. By the end of this time of year, conditioning and speed development techniques become part of the two day a week training experience.

Outdoor Club (April to May): Conditioning and speed development are emphasized during this season along with strength, power, flexibility, and weak links. The comprehensive approach is designed to monitor fatigue while taking into account wear and tear on the body.  At the same time, our program continues to enhance the overall physical development of each athlete two days a week.

Summer Training (June to July): Intense training with an emphasis on improved strength, conditioning, flexibility, and skill development. This 2-3 day a week program offers each player an opportunity to develop his or her physical and mental capabilities through prudent, productive, practical, and purposeful training. In addition, after the physical season, injury management is a crucial component of an athlete’s year-long training cycle. Post-rehabilitation program development and implementation, as well as general physical preparedness programming, allows the athlete to heal properly and improve their mind and body.

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