How to Make A SMART Goal-Oriented Fitness Plan

How to Make A SMART Goal Oriented Fitness Plan Dallas Personal Training

Whether you’re new to working out or a long-time fitness enthusiast, setting goals is super helpful. Goals help keep us motivated, giving us something to work toward. They also guide a fitness plan, helping us figure out what types of workouts to focus on to achieve the goals we have in mind.

For goals to work, though, you need to set smart goals related to your fitness plan. In relation to goals, SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Setting goals with those characteristics helps you create a goal-oriented fitness plan that will work for you.

How to Make A SMART Goal Oriented Fitness Plan Dallas Personal TrainingSpecific

Goals must be specific, so you’ll know how to achieve them. “I plan to start working out” is not a specific goal. There are so many ways you could achieve it that chances are you’ll get stuck trying to figure out what to do. A better goal would be, “I plan to go to the gym three times a week” or “I will train to run a Tough Mudder with my friends.”


Much like goals need to be specific so you know what you’re aiming for, they also need to be measurable, so you know when you’ve reached the goal. “I want to lose weight” isn’t nearly as helpful as “I plan to lose 10 pounds.” With the more specific goal, you’ll easily be able to tell when you reach the goal because you can measure your weight change.


This point might seem obvious, but if you try to set goals that you can’t reasonably achieve then you’re just setting yourself up for discouragement. For example, the current all-time deadlift world record is 1,074.8 pounds but even half of that is not a realistic goal for most people. Make sure the goal you set is something you can achieve. Also, remember that as you continue your fitness journey the goals you can achieve are likely to change. You can always set harder goals after you reach the first ones.


Make sure the goals you set are relevant to you. Goals that work for one person don’t always work for everyone else; your fitness plan should be unique to you. Pick a goal that you’re excited about and that you really want to achieve. If you have a goal you want to work toward but aren’t sure how to get there, schedule a time to meet with a personal trainer.


As you’re setting SMART goals, make sure you give yourself a time frame. If you want to train to run a marathon, then pick a specific marathon date to work toward. If you want to lose weight, pick a reasonable time frame for achieving that weight loss. For large goals, it can be helpful to break them into smaller goals and set target times to hit those smaller goals on the way to your main goal.

Help With Goal Setting and Achievement

Most of us find it easier to achieve goals if we have a support system holding us accountable and offering advice if we need it. And when you’re working on specific fitness goals, it’s often helpful to get expert input on how to achieve those goals and what timeframe would be reasonable.

When you work out at Extreme Studio Performance, you’re joining a supportive fitness community from all walks of life. Whatever your fitness goals, you can get encouragement to achieve them here. Our trainers are available to answer questions and help you set SMART goals. You can also book personal or group training sessions for ongoing one-on-one support. Contact us today to set up a gym visit and free fitness evaluation.

Extreme Studio Performance