Gary Son

Gary Son - Health and Fitness Trainer Dallas
Trainer Introduction

Train harder

Gary has worked in the health and fitness industry since 1992 and has over 20 years of personal training experience. He has been certified by StrongFirst, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and the Cooper Institute. In addition to personal training, Gary offers group training and boot camps.

Gary is married with four wonderful children. As a gospel minister, Gary enjoys studying God’s Word, preaching at Senior Living Centers and doing missionary work in Latin America.

Description: Works with clients to achieve their health goals including improvements in athletic performance, mobility and strength, balance, and rehabilitation from injuries.

Add certification: StrongFirst SFG (Kettlebell) Level I Certification

Focus on strength, mobility, balance, agility, kettlebells, condition, and recovery for all ages.

Year Position Description
1999-Present Personal Trainer Improves athletic performance, creates personalized programs with specific, measurable, action-oriented and realistic goals. Works with all levels.
Certifications & Qualifications
Cooper Institute Personal Trainer Certification, NASM
Focus on Strength Training, Weight Loss, General Conditioning

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Extreme Studio Performance